It’s important to understand the various costs associated with the closing process. While this company aims to simplify and expedite the home selling experience, there are still some expenses that sellers may need to consider.

  1. Title Insurance

Title insurance is crucial in any real estate transaction. This policy protects the buyer and lender from any potential disputes over property ownership. As the seller at, you may be required to cover the cost of the buyer’s title insurance policy. This ensures that there are no legal issues regarding the title that could arise after the sale is completed.

  1. Transfer Taxes

Transfer taxes are fees imposed by the state or local government when property ownership is transferred. These taxes can vary significantly depending on the location of the property. It’s essential to check with Moss Home Buyers or your local government to understand the specific transfer tax rate in your area and whether you, as the seller, are responsible for covering this cost.

  1. Outstanding Liens and Mortgages

Before closing, any outstanding liens or mortgages on the property must be settled. This includes paying off the remaining balance of your mortgage and any other liens that may be attached to the property, such as unpaid property taxes or contractor fees. Spanish Moss Home Buyers will typically ensure these are resolved as part of the closing process, but the cost will ultimately come out of your proceeds from the sale.

  1. Escrow Fees

Escrow fees are paid to the escrow company that handles the closing process. This company acts as a neutral third party to manage the funds and ensure all conditions of the sale are met before the property is transferred to the buyer. Both the buyer and seller usually split escrow fees, but it’s important to confirm this with Spanish Moss Home Buyers to understand your share of the cost.

  1. Home Repairs

Depending on the terms agreed upon, you may need to cover the cost of any necessary repairs identified during the home inspection. While Spanish Moss Home Buyers often purchase homes in “as-is” condition, there might still be specific repairs required to finalize the sale.