Core Trade Courses: The Importance Of Learning These Programs

Core Trade or Construction Registration of Tradesmen is a registration scheme for experienced and skilled construction personnel in several key construction trades. Core trade personnel qualify as “Higher Skilled” under MOM (Ministry of Manpower)’s Foreign Worker Levy Scheme.

In Singapore, all work permits and S-pass holders are necessary to upgrade their skills to ensure they can work, from ages 18-22. Having trade-based skills helps companies enjoy lessening worker levies rates and increases the company’s productivity. The core trade scheme has three categories based on the years of experience of the worker in the construction industry. Any of the coretrade courses singapore should have in a worker to let them get hired or employed, namely:

  1. Core Trade Tradesman with 4-5 years of experience
  2. Core Trade Foreman with 6-7 years of experience
  3. Core Trade Supervisor With 8-9 years experience

The Building and Construction Authority has administered the Core Trade registration scheme.

Who is eligible to get the Core Trade courses registration system?

The Core Trade scheme is designed for these two people:

  • Local Singaporean workers
  • Foreign workers with years of experience

Core Trade delivers a platform to regain better and more experienced personnel through delivering a clear career progression path and recognition. Based on the BCA, a construction personnel worker is categorized into two types, namely:

  • Construction foreman. It is the construction supervisor who is in charge of supervising and coordinating tradesmen in specific construction trades.
  • Construction tradesmen. It is the construction worker, skilled in specific construction trades.

Benefits of Core Trade training course

Aside from equipping the workers with new knowledge and more technical skills, the company can benefit by letting them be recognized by the MOM and BCA and upgrade the workers into High-Skilled workers. Upgrading the construction personnel with BCA-approved training courses like Core Trade, the employers pay a lower levy rate and ample maximum time of employment. Instead of 16 years Basic-Skilled Workers, Higher-Skilled Workers have a period of employment extended to a max of 26 years.

Signing your employees up for the familiarization course delivers many benefits to you and for the whole company. With this, you can keep high-performing construction personnel in your company with additional testing and training through the Core Trade Scheme. You don’t need to worry about re-hiring new workers when you can keep the core group of construction personnel essential to business for a long time.

If you are new in Singapore, to secure your employment, you must upgrade your basic skills by taking Core Trade courses.