The influence of creative writing on primary school students can be very deep. Thus, this amusing and creative way of exhibiting not only strengthens literacy skills but also develops a wide set of cognitive, emotional, and social competencies that are crucial for academic success and building a strong personal identity.

The benefits of creative writing at the primary school level

Using creative writing, there is an opportunity to construct a world which is colorful and receptive to skills such as language and literacy. As students perform storytelling, free verse drama, or descriptive writings, they are invariably exposed to new experiences in vocabulary usage, better ability in grammar, and indeed, a deeper knowledge of sentence organization.

Creative writing for primary school  builds up a secure and tolerating atmosphere for students to feel, to reflect, and to describe their feelings. Students can express their feelings and perceptions in whatever manner they want within the boundaries of health and comfort, not only through narratives like characters’ development or poetry. Beyond the enhancement of emotional intelligence, the art of expression through self-expression not only provides self-awareness, empathy, and a deep understanding of human life circumstances.

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Through creative writing, the student not only makes their own life experience and self-expression to understand uniqueness, but also draws on their creative talent.  With peer and teachers’ recognition, they will begin to view their work as acceptable and thus develop a sense of achievement and pride in their ability. These rising confidence levels and self-respect set off waves that will go through the various spheres of their lives, making them more receptive to challenges and experiments, as well as expressing their true selves more willingly.

Some creative writing routines use peer evaluation or group discussions.  The participants either attend workshops or are involved in story and writing partnerships. The interpersonal and social skills being practiced in the course include effective listening, teamwork and interpersonal communication. The feedback, through making adjustments and resilience over the setbacks, will finally develop an attitude of growth and, therefore, offer them immense life benefits.


The creative writing for primary matters considerably, that is, the width of vision does not only remain as an activity of writing, but it includes many other areas. It builds up instrumental skills, such as, language, reading and writing creativity, critical thinking, emotional awareness and cultural understanding, which the children will get to use a longer time. To illustrate that the value of this add on is critical since it instills confidence, teamwork, tenacity and a desire for learning in the learners which is paramount for growth and development.